PornHex (used to be PornoKink) is a brand new porn tube site focused on providing content for those who are looking for a place to find fetish porn.
On there are loads of porn sites that cater to the masses, however, there are few sources that offer a curated collection of the more “kinky” side of adult videos for free.
Upon visiting the home page you will find featured videos and the latest videos added to the site. Along the left-hand side of the page, you will find a list of the most popular categories and a link to view all of the available categories; as you can probably imagine these are more exotic than your average tube site. Some examples include femdom, foot fetish, jerk off instruction and mistress.
This Fetish oriented Tube site also has a number of features to make your porn viewing experience richer. On the Pornhex video pages, you will find links to the porn stars featured, a short description and screenshots of the movie as well as related videos. You also have the ability to comment and rate without having to sign up for an account, though if you sign up for an account you can favorite videos and keep track of your ratings. Browsing porn is also super-easy as you can filer by, a-z, votes, rating, views, duration and set the minimum and maximum video length.
If you haven’t yet, check out PornHex and make sure you bookmark this must-go Fetish Tube site.