IFAPDB is the 100% free community-based celebrity nude scene database. From Alexandria Daddario to Zooey Deschanel and from Altered Carbon to Zoom, they have it all. Plus, if they don’t, you can always join the community and add it yourself!
The level of detail they maintain in categorising their scenes makes finding what you want a breeze. You can search by person, by TV show or movie, by the type of nudity and even the time it appears in the show. They also rank the latest media by the quality and quantity of nudity it contains, so if you are looking for something new to watch, they probably have it!
IFAPDB Interface? Pretty skeek
Navigating the site is super easy! Thanks to the the minimalistic User Interface and feature-rich search. If you want to know how many times your favourite actress has been nude, just check their page. Similarly, when looking for the level of nudity on some TV shows, check the TV show page and find out in seconds. If a new release is scoring terribly but has some great nudity, skip the movie altogether and watch the best bits on IFAPDB!
IFAPDB is the new player in the Celebrity nude scene market, but it has by far the cleanest and easiest to use interface.
The fact that is is 100% free and only has a handful of unobtrusive ads is something you don’t see a lot of in this space. Which is a breath of fresh air. The community-based nature of the site means they can get new content quickly and easily, but the quality of content shows how well they check their scenes.
The website works great on your PC, but also looks fantastic on your phone. So you can look up the actress in that movie your watching to see if she has ever been nude. You can even install the app from their site, so it’s always at your fingertips when you need it.
Thank you guys for checking out our IFAPDB Review. As always if you don’t agree with us or want to leave your own feedbacks, just click here and leave us a comment or two, we love reading them!